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Session (4) / Semester Two / Third Year

  Session Items
Session Report





Session (46) / first semester / third year 2021-03-31 0 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 0 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 0 Deputy
Session Items
First: To vote on the draft law of the federal budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2021. (Financial Committee). (58 items). Implemented Executed
Second: To vote on the application submitted by (172) deputies to dissolve the Council of Representatives. Implemented. Executed
Third: General discussions (15 minutes). Implemented Executed
Session Report
 On (3/31/2021), the House of Representatives held its forty-sixth session of the first legislative term for the third year, the fourth electoral cycle headed by Mr. Muhammad al-Halbousi, in the presence of (215) and the session included:

 Voting on the draft law of the federal budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2021.

 - Mrs. (Duha Rida Hashem) took the constitutional oath to fill the membership of the House of Representatives instead of the former deputy (Abd al-Ilah al-Naeli) after the parliament voted to add the paragraph to the agenda.

 Voting on a decision to dissolve the House of Representatives on the seventh of next October, provided that the general parliamentary elections in the country take place on the tenth of October itself, based on a request submitted by 172 deputies.

 After that, it was decided to adjourn the session to 4/10/2021


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