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Session (4) / Semester Two / Third Year

  Session Items
Session Report





Session (30) / first semester / third year 2020-12-17 0 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 0 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 0 Deputy
Session Items
First: Examining the appeals submitted about the validity of the membership of some women and gentlemen Not Executed
Second: To vote on a bill to finance the expenditures of the parliament elections. (Financial Committee). (2 article) Executed
Third: To vote on a proposed law on national sports federations. (Youth and Sports Committee) (27 articles). Not Executed
Fourth: Report and discussion (second reading) of the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Convention on Ship Systems Resistant to Adhesion of Impurities and Effects of 2001. (Committee on Foreign Relations) (2 items) Executed
Fifth: The first reading of the draft law ratifying an agreement between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of the Republic of Tunisia regarding air services between its two regions (the Foreign Relations Committee). (Article 2) Executed
Sixth: The first reading of a bill for the Republic's accession to the Nuclear Safety Agreement (the Foreign Relations Committee) (Article 2). Executed
Seventh: General discussions (15 minutes). Executed
Session Report
 The House of Representatives held on (12/17/2020) its thirtieth session of the first legislative term for the third year, the fourth electoral cycle headed by Mr. Muhammad al-Halbousi and in the presence of (197) deputies, and the session included:


 Postponing consideration of the appeals submitted about the validity of the membership of some women and gentlemen.

 - To postpone the vote on the proposed law of national sports federations submitted by the Youth and Sports Committee until the Minister of Youth and Sports is hosted next Saturday.

 - The second reading of the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the international convention on ship systems resistant to sticking impurities and harmful effects of 2001 submitted by the Committee on Foreign Relations.

 - The first reading of the draft law ratifying an agreement between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of the Republic of Tunisia regarding air services between their regions, submitted by the Committee on Foreign Relations.

 - The first reading of the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Nuclear Safety Agreement, submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee.

 - Muzaffar al-Fadl recited a statement calling for the appointment of graduates from the oil field engineers who demonstrated in front of the South Refineries Company, calling on the House of Representatives to intervene to address their demands, in addition to following up on the assault that affected them during the demonstration and holding accountable those who failed

 - The second reading of the draft law of the first amendment to the Iraqi National Oil Company Law No. (4) of 2018 submitted by the Committee on Oil, Energy and Natural Resources

 Voting on the draft law on allocating and financing the expenses of the elections to the House of Representatives submitted by the Financial and Legal Committees.

 After that, it was decided to raise the session to 12/19/2020


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