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The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for January 2014
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for: December 2013
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for November 2013


Iraqi Constitution
Session Discussion for Iraqi Parliament

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Second session/ Second period/ Fourth Year

  Session Items
Session Report






Voting on new laws


The Council of Representatives voted on Monday 24/12/2012, on seven laws in its second session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Chairman of the Council of Representatives.



Postponing the Session


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives postponed the regular session which was scheduled to be held on Sunday 23/12/2012 to Monday because of lack of quorum, mention that this is the second time in a row where the Council of Representatives postponed holding its session.



Postponing the Session


The Iraqi Council of Representatives postponed its regular session which was scheduled to be held on Monday 17/12/2012, to next Sunday due to lack of quorum.



Voting on the law of Supreme Judicial Council


The Council of Representatives opened the second legislative term of the third legislative year by voting on the law of Supreme Judicial Council in its first session of the this term held on Saturday 15/12/2012, under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the chairman of the Council of Representatives. 




Voting on the proposed law of the fourth amendment for the elections law of the councils of provinces and districts and sub-districts


The Council of Representatives voted in the fortieth session of the first legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the chairman of the Council of Representatives, on eight laws including the proposed law of the fourth amendment for the elections law of the councils of provinces and districts and sub-districts No.(36) for the year 2008 as amended, submitted by the legal committee.


Discussion of the final accounts


The Council of Representatives discussed in its thirty-ninth  session of the first legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the chairman of the Council of Representatives, the issue of the final accounts of the general budget in presence of Mr. Rafie Al-Issawi, Minister of Finance, and Mr. Abdel Basset Turki, Head of the Board of Supreme Audit.

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