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The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for January 2014
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for: December 2013
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for November 2013


Iraqi Constitution
Session Discussion for Iraqi Parliament

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Second session/ Second period/ Fourth Year

  Session Items
Session Report





The law of federal budget of the Republic of Iraq for the financial year 2011
The law to cancel the law on ratification of the contract to upgrade and produce Al-Ahdab oil field
The law to amend the law of Criminal Procedure No.(23) for the year 1971
The law of Vice-Presidents
The law of the first amendment for the law of private investment in crude oil refining No.(64) for the year 2007
The law on ratification of the convention on claims settlement between the Government of Republic of Iraq and the Government of the United States of America
The law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq to amend the convention on the crude oil pipelines signed on 27/8/1973 between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Republic of Turkey
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(100) for the year 1995
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(349) for the year 1991
The law of Mukhtars
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(133) for the year 1985
The law of service and retirement of the Interior Security Forces
The law on ratification of the Arab convention to facilitate the transition of the Arab cultural production
The law of administrative formations creation
The law on ratification of the two mutual letters and memos and the minutes of discussions signed between the Republic of Iraq and the Government of Japan concerning the Japanese loan
The law of the Opinion Commission
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(800) for the year 1989
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(96) for the year 1994
The law of the Higher Institute for embryo research and treatment of infertility
The law on ratification of cooperation convention between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the International Organization for Migration (IOM)
The law of journalists' rights
The law of Ministry of Education
The law of literacy
The law of Ministry of Youth and Sport
The law of the Board of Supreme Audit
The law of Integrity Commission
The law of the Iraqi Housing Fund
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(55) for the year 1999
The law of Ministry of Trade
The law of Ministry of Industry and Minerals
The law of the monthly grant for immunodeficient patients
The law of the first amendment for the law of customs tariff No.(22) for the year 2010
The law to amend the law of the Iraqi Supreme Criminal Court
The law of the second amendment for the law of Ministry of Water Resources No.(50) for the year 2008
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the treaty of the Islamic Conference Organization on anti-international terrorism
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the international convention on suppression of nuclear terrorism acts
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the international convention on suppression of terrorism funding for the year 1999
The law on ratification of framework convention on commercial preferences system among the member states of the Islamic Conference Organization
The law of decorations and medallions
The law of the first amendment for the law of university service No.(23) for the year 2008
The law of dormitories support fund in Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
The law to cancel resolutions of the disbanded revolution command council No.(1194) for the year 1983 and No.(456) for the year 1985
The law of small projects support income generating
The law of Iraq's money refund
The law of candidacy provisions for President position
The law of reward of teaching and educational staff members
The law of the fourth amendment for the law of maintenance of irrigation and paracentesis networks No.(12) for the year 1995
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to convention on rights of persons with disabilities
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to international convention on anti-doping in sport field
The law of Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Protocol on the privileges of the International Seabed Authority and its immunity
The law of capital reserves exemption for the mixed sector companies
The law of anti-smoking
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(190) for the year 1994
The convention on economic and trade and technical cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The law of the first amendment for the law of military penal No.(19) for the year 2007
The law of the Iraqi National Monitoring Commission to prevent the proliferation of mass destruction weapons (security and defense committee)
The law of federal budget of the Republic of Iraq for the financial year 2012
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Arab Charter for human rights issued by the Arab League 2004
The law of anti-trafficking of humans
The law on ratification of Republic of Iraq on the international convention on anti-taking of hostages
The law on ratification of the convention on encouragement and protection of investment between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Republic of France
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(196) for the year 1999
The law on ratification of the convention on trade and economic and scientific and technical and cultural cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the international trade convention on endangered species from the groups of wild animals and plants
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the convention on establishment of plant protection organization in the Near East
The law on ratification of the convention on technical cooperation in animal health field between the Government the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The law on ratification of the convention on cooperation in the field of agricultural quarantine and plant protection between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The law of Ministry of Construction and Housing
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
The law on ratification of memorandum of understanding between the Government the Republic of Iraq and the European Union on strategic partnership in field of energy
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(196) for the year 1984
The law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq on the international convention on establishment of the International Agency Organization for Renewable Energy
The law on ratification of the basic system of the Arab Environment Facility (AEF)
The law on ratification of the basic system of the Islamic Union for telecommunications
The law to merge the Socialist Bank (Bank of Iraq) with Al-Rafidain Bank
The law of customs provident fund
The law of Judges service extension
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(206) for the year 2000
The law of registration and adoption of pesticides
The law to exempt the farmers and peasants who borrowed from the benefits of the previous loans
The law to organize the handling of agricultural materials
The law of the Presidentship salaries and allocations
The law of the Cabinet salaries and allocations
The law of salaries and allocations of the Council of Representatives
The law to cancel the resolutions of the disbanded revolution command council No.(427) for the year 1991 and No.(293) for the year 1992
The law of stamps fee
The law of seeds
The law of the second amendment for the law of discipline of state employees and general sector
The law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq on the typical additional protocol on overall guarantees system of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
The law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq on the Charter of the Islamic Cooperation Organization
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(120) on 17/7/1998
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(27) on 4/2/1992
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(542) on 2/9/1989
The law to cancel the resolutions of the disbanded revolution command council No.(1360) on 17/11/1985 and No.(827) on 30/6/1979
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(276 ) on 27/2/1985
The law to cancel the resolution of the disbanded revolution command council No.(50) on 30/3/2000
The law of diwan of sunni awqaf
The law of diwan of shiite awqaf
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the convention on settlement of investment disputes among States and citizens of other States
The law on ratification of the convention on encouragement and mutual protection of investments and its protocol between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the agreement signed between the League of Arab States and the Government of the United States of Mexico to establish the Mexican fund of international cooperation for development
The law on ratification of the Arab convention on anti-money laundering and terrorism funding
The law of students grant of universities and institutes of Iraq
The law of the fourth amendment for the law of Cancer Council in Iraq No.(63) for the year 1985
The law of awqaf diwan of Christians, Yazidis and Mandaeans
The law of fourth amendment for the law of state companies No.(22) for the year 1997 as amended
The law to amend the election law of the councils of provinces and districts and sub-districts No.(36 ) for the year 2008 as amended
The law to cancel the resolutions of the disbanded revolution command council
The law of agricultural modern villages
The law of Ministry of Science and Technology
The law of the first amendment for the law of Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs No.(8) for the year 2006
The law of ownership of the documents carrying nicknames for Displaced and Migrants
The law of agricultural quarantine
The law of electronic signature and electronic transactions
The first amendment law for the law of Board of Supreme Audit No.(31) for the year 2011
The first amendment law for the law of maritime agencies No.(56) for the year 1985
The law on ratification of the convention on international road transport for persons and goods between the Government of Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq on the UN treaty on comprehensive ban of nuclear test for the year 1996
The law on ratification of the Arab convention on transferring of punitive and correctional institutions inmates in the frame of the implementation of criminal sentences
The law on ratification of the convention on establishment of a free trade zone between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The law on ratification of the Arab convention on anti-organized crime across the national borders
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the convention on protection and promotion of cultural expression variety
The first amendment law for the law of the Independent Higher Commission for Human Rights No.(53) for the year 2008
The law of judicial investigators allocations
The law to cancel the article (40) concerning stopping of salaries of local councils members (neighborhoods and districts) from the law of federal budget for the year 2012
The law on ratification of the convention on legal and judicial cooperation in civil issues and personal status between the Government of Republic of Iraq and the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran
The law on ratification of the convention on legal and judicial cooperation in criminal issues between the Government of Republic of Iraq and the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran
The law on ratification of the convention on the extradition of accused and sentenced persons between the Government of Republic of Iraq and the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran
The law of practicing of the nursing and midwifery occupations
The second amendment law for the law of university service No.(23) for the year 2008
The law on ratification of the treaty on ban, use, upgrade and transfer of cluster munitions for the year 2008
The law on ratification of the Arab convention on anti-corruption
The law of Al-Nahrain Islamic Bank
Law on ratification of the convention on economic and technical cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the People's Republic of China
Law to prevent coercion of the Iraqi to change his nationality
The law of the first amendment for the law of affected compensation who lost a part of their bodies by the practice of the former regime No.(50) for the year 2009
The law on ratification of the convention on organization of provisions of the electronic signature in the field of electronic transactions in the Arab countries
The law of the first amendment for the order of CPA No. (86) for the year 2004 (traffic law)
The law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the convention on suppression of unlawful actions against the safety of maritime navigation
Law No.( ) for the year 2012 - First amendment for the law of salaries of state employees and general sector No.(22) for the year 2008
Law of the fourth amendment for the elections law of the councils of provinces and districts and sub-districts No.(36) for the year 2008 as amended
Law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the convention on distinction of plastic explosives in order to detect it for the year 1991
Law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the convention on physical protection for the nuclear materials
Law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the international convention on suppression of terrorist bombings
Law on ratification of the convention on economic and technical cooperation between the Government of Republic of Iraq and the Government of the United States of America
Law on ratification of the convention on determination of trade and investment fields between the Government of Republic of Iraq and the Government of the United States of America
Law on ratification of the memorandum of understanding in the field of reform support (building the abilities of the agricultural sector) between the Government of Republic of Iraq and the Government of the United States of America
Law on ratification of the convention on investment incentives between the Government of Republic of Iraq and the Government of the United States of America
Law of Supreme Judicial Council
The proposed law of the first amendment for the law of Ministry of Industry and Minerals No.(38) of 2011
Law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the basic system of Islamic States Institute for standards and metrology
Law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Protocol of anti-manufacturing of firearms and its parts, components and ammunition, and traffic it illegally
Law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the convention on establishment of the International Islamic Institution for Trade Funding
Law on prevention of the import of toys that incite violence
Law on ratification of the convention to amend the convention on establishment of the Arab Company for the construction and repairing of ships approved by the law No.(58) of 1974
Law of the first amendment for the law of public roads
Law of monthly grants for champions athletes and pioneers
Law to determine the tenure of the President of the Republic, Speaker of the Council of Representatives and the Prime Minister
law of the first amendment on the law of night guards No.(8) of 2000
Law of the federal budget of Republic of Iraq for the financial year 2013
Law on ratification of the two mutual letters and memos and the minutes of discussions concerning the Japanese loan to the Government of Republic of Iraq
Law on ratification of the two mutual letters and memos and the minutes of discussions concerning the Japanese loan for funding the upgrading project of Al-Basrah refinery /1
Law No.( ) of 2013 - Law on ratification of the convention on establishment of the International Academy for Anti-Corruption as an international organization
Law of Ministry of Agriculture
Law of registration, adoption and protection of the agricultural varieties
Law on ratification of the Arab convention of anti-information technology crimes
Law to amend the law of social care No.(126) of 1980
Draft law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the convention of Arab Organization for Communication and Information Technology
Law of the second amendment to the law of re-employ politically dismissed No.(24) of 2005 as amended
Law of the fifth amendment to the law of State Consultative Council No.(65) of 1979
Law of the first amendment to the order of CPA No.(87) of 2004
Law on ratification of the convention on training Iraqi security forces between the government of republic of Iraq and NATO
Law of the second amendment to the law of provinces non-organized in a region No.(21) of 2008
Law of the third amendment to the law of Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control No.(54) of 1979
Law on ratification of the convention on forming a joint committee for cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait
Law of doctors protection
Law of sale and rent of State funds
Law to unlink Dar Al-Nahrain for Printing from the Central Bank of Iraq and append it to the Ministry of Education


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