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The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for January 2014
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for: December 2013
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for November 2013


Iraqi Constitution
Session Discussion for Iraqi Parliament

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Second session/ Second period/ Fourth Year

  Session Items
Session Report






Postponing the session


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the session which was scheduled to be held on Monday 4/3/2013 until tomorrow due to the lack of quorum. It's noteworthy that this session was dedicated to vote on the federal budget for 2013. 



Postponing the session until further notice


The Presidency of Iraqi Parliament decided to postpone the session which was scheduled to be held on Monday 25/2/2013 until further notice because of the continuation of disagreements on the federal budget items 2013 that led to non-presence of MPs to the parliament hall and thereby a lack of quorum. 



Refusing to return the budget to the Government


The Council of Representatives held on Saturday 23/2/2013, its regular twelfth session under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi. The Council voted to refuse to return the financial budget to the Government in order to amend it. It was supposed to be voting on the budget in this session, but the incompletion of compatibility of the blocs on budget items has postponed that to the next session hoping to complete the compatibility of the blocs on the contention points.




Postponing the session of budget approval


The Presidency of Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the session which was scheduled to be held on Thursday 21/2/2013 until Saturday due to the lack of quorum. It was supposed to be voting on the federal budget for 2013 during this session, but the incompatibility of blocs on budget items has prevented its approval more than once. 


Postponing the session due to the lack of quorum


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the session which was scheduled to be held on Tuesday 19/2/2013 until Thursday due to the lack of quorum. It was supposed to be voting on the federal budget 2013 in this session. 



Postponing the deferred session


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the twelfth session until further notice and till the agreement of parliamentary blocs on the amendments of the federal budget for 2013. Noting that this session was scheduled to be held on Monday 11/2/2013, but the lack of quorum prevented it. It is worth mentioning that this is the second postponement for this session which was supposed to be voting on the federal budget for 2013. 


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