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The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for January 2014
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for: December 2013
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for November 2013


Iraqi Constitution
Session Discussion for Iraqi Parliament

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Second session/ Second period/ Fourth Year

  Session Items
Session Report






Voting on the Presidency of Accountability and Justice Commission


The Iraqi Council of Representatives voted in the ninth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year for the candidate of Al Ahrar Bloc former MP Mr. Falah Hassan Shanshal to be the chairman of Accountability and Justice Commission, noting that Mr. Shanshal had previously served as chairman of the Accountability and Justice Commission in the previous parliamentary session. 




Preventing MP Mahmoud El Hassan from attending sessions of the Council of Representatives until presenting an apology


The Council of Representatives voted on 22/7/2013 in the ninth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year  under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, on preventing MP Mahmoud El Hassan from participating in the works of the Council of Representatives for violating the bylaws until presenting a written apology.



Voting on new laws


The Council of Representatives voted on 22/7/2013 in the ninth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year  under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, on the draft law to amend the law of seizing of the smuggled and prohibited trading money in the local markets No.(18) of 2008, the draft law of regulating the lease of agricultural lands and giving ownership of the right to dispose to the agricultural and veterinary graduates and the draft law of the second amendment to the law of customs tariff No.(22) of 2010. 



Voting on the law of Ministry of Foreign Affairs


The Council of Representatives held on 18/7/2013 the eighth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives. In this session the Council voted on the draft law of Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted by the committee of foreign relations. 



Voting on the proposed law of the first amendment to the law of service and retirement for the interior security forces


The Council of Representatives voted in the seventh session held on 16/7/2013, on the proposed law of the first amendment to the law of service and retirement for the interior security forces No.(18) of 2011, submitted by the committees of security and defense, legal for the purpose of equality of the civil employees in the interior security forces with their peers in the Ministry of Defense.



Voting on two draft laws


The Council of Representatives voted in the sixth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, on the draft law to unlink Dar Al-Nahrain for Printing from the Central Bank of Iraq and append it to the Ministry of Education submitted by the committees of education and finance and the draft law of sale and rent of State funds submitted by the committees of finance, legal, endowments and religious affairs, economy and investment. 

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