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The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for January 2014
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for: December 2013
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for November 2013


Iraqi Constitution
Session Discussion for Iraqi Parliament

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Second session/ Second period/ Fourth Year

  Session Items
Session Report






Iraqi Parliament adjourns the emergency session (12-6-2014)


 The Iraqi House of Representatives adjourned its emergency session due to the lack of quorum. The session was supposed to be held on Thursday 12/6/2014, after the speaker of the House of Representatives called for it on last Tuesday, at the request of the Ministers' Presidency and Presidency of the Republic, to announce the status of emergency in the country due to Ninawa incidents.



Iraqi Parliament adjourns its session until further notice


 The Presidency of the Iraqi Parliament decided to postpone the 16th session of the second legislative term for the fourth year until further notice due to lack of quorum. The session was supposed to be held on Sunday 6/4/2014.


Parliament postpones the session due to lack of quorum


 The Presidency of House of Representatives postponed today's session 2/4/2014, until Sunday due to lack of quorum. Noteworthy that the agenda of the session did not include the budget bill, hopefully it will be including in tomorrow's session.



House of Representatives concludes its fifteenth session


 The Iraqi House of Representatives held its fifteenth session of the second legislative term for the fourth year on Tuesday 1/4/2014. The session included the second reading of two bills. The agenda of the session did not include the second reading of budget bill.


House of Representatives fails to conclude emergency session


 The House of Representatives postponed the emergency session which was due to be held on Monday 31/3/2014, until tomorrow due to the lack of quorum. During this session, it was supposed to discuss the security and humanitarian situation in Diyala, in addition to discussing the request of legal protection for the Independent High Electoral Commission.



Parliament session postponed


 The Presidency of the House of Representatives decided to postpone the 15th session of the second legislative term for the fourth year until Tuesday, due to the lack of quorum. It is worth mentioning that the session included on its agenda the second reading of budget bill 2014.


Parliament discusses Anbar crisis and adjourns the session until further notice


 The House of Representatives, in its 14th session of the second legislative term for the fourth year held under chairmanship of Osama al-Nujaifi on Wednesday 19/3/2014, hosted each of Majeed Hamad Ameen, Minister of Health, Khairallah Babiker, Minister of Trade, Ministry's Deputy of Migration and Displacement and Director of Anbar Health Directorate to discuss the humanitarian status in Anbar. 



First Reading of Budget Bill


 The House of Representatives held its 12th session of the second legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama al-Nujaifi, Speaker of the House of Representatives. The session included the first reading of budget bill 2014.



Iraqi Parliament fails to hold emergency session


 On Thursday 6/3/2014, the Iraqi Parliament failed to hold the extraordinary session called by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to discuss conditions in Anbar.


Parliament session postponed until further notice


 The Parliament session was postponed until further notice, due to the lack of quorum. It was supposed to hold the session on Tuesday 4/3/2014.


The eleventh session concluded


 The House of Representatives concluded its 11th session of the second legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama al-Nujaifi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, on Tuesday 3/3/2014. The session included the first reading of three bills and second reading of four bills, but the agenda of the session did not include voting on the budget bill. 



Discussing the Security Situation

The Council of Representatives went into discussion on the current security situation of the country having heard a detailed report on the recent security events presented by the chair of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee MP Hasan al-Senaid. Al-Senaid said that the Committee hosted last Thursday the commander of Baghdad operations and the Joint Staff for briefings and information on the latest developments. The Council also reviewed the outcomes achieved by a number of Parliamentary standing committees of the second parliamentary cycle. The chiefs of the Committees of Economy, Investment, Higher Education, Women and Family and Labor and Social Affairs presented outlines of the achievements of their Committees. This parliamentary session, the 22nd session of the first legislative term of the fourth period, was chaired by Mr. Qusay al-Suheel, the Speaker’s First Deputy.


Vote on the rules of conduct of Deputies

 House of Representatives voted on a draft Code of Conduct Parliament in its meeting under the chairmanship of Mr. Osama Najafi, head of the House of Representatives on 09.09.2013, has also completed the second reading of the draft law of the First Amendment to the Law on the Protection of Iraqi products No. 11 for the year 2010 submitted by the committees of economy, investment and legal


Hosting Minister of Electricity


The Council of Representatives hosted in its 12th session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, held on 27/7/2013, Mr. Abdul Karim Aftan, the Minister of Electricity, in a general invitation to discuss the status of the electrical sector. The Minister of Electricity emphasized that there are many obstacles including financial side, security situation and fuel facing the development of the electricity sector, noting that the numbers issued on production of electricity are issued by the Department of National Control, pointing out that there is a delay in the financial supplementation to pay the money allocated to the contracts, adding there is existence of high consumption in electricity compared to production, especially in light of spread of slums and taking electricity illegally. 


Voting on the law of the first amendment to the law of agricultural lending fund


The Council of Representatives voted in its 12th session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, held on 27/7/2013, on the draft law of first amendment to the law of agricultural lending fund for peasants and small farmers No.(28) of 2009, submitted by the committees of agriculture and water, and finance, in order to change the naming of the law of agricultural lending fund for peasants and small farmers No.(28) of 2009 to the law of concessional lending fund and link the fund with the Ministry of Finance instead of the Ministry of Agriculture. 



Voting to approve the budget of Judicial Council


The Council of Representatives held on 25/7/2013 the 11th session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives. The session included voting to approve the budget of Judicial Council submitted by the committee of finance. 



Voting on nomination of the judges of the appeals chamber members responsible for hearing the appeals submitted on the decisions of the Accountability and Justice Commission


The  Iraqi Council of Representatives voted in the tenth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, to approve the nomination of the judges of the appeals chamber members responsible for hearing the appeals submitted on the decisions of the Accountability and Justice Commission submitted by the legal committee. It includes each of gentlemen Saadi Sadiq Ahmed al-Obeidi, Obeid Nael Awad al-Saidi, Muthana Ahmed Jassim al-Shafei, Zeydoun Saadoun Bashar Judy al-Saidi and Fattah Kamel Hindi al-Shammari. It has also been voted on the substitute judges each of gentlemen Mohammad Rajab Bakri al-Kubaisi and Hamid Obeid Hajwal al-Jubouri. 



MP Mahmoud Hassan apologizes to the Council


Mr. Al-Nujaifi emphasized in the tenth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year held on 24/7/2013, that the statement of the legal committee included submitting an apology by MP Mahmoud Hassan for what happened in the previous session where the apology was accepted and the demise of any objection preventing him from participating in the works of the Council.




Voting on the Presidency of Accountability and Justice Commission


The Iraqi Council of Representatives voted in the ninth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year for the candidate of Al Ahrar Bloc former MP Mr. Falah Hassan Shanshal to be the chairman of Accountability and Justice Commission, noting that Mr. Shanshal had previously served as chairman of the Accountability and Justice Commission in the previous parliamentary session. 




Preventing MP Mahmoud El Hassan from attending sessions of the Council of Representatives until presenting an apology


The Council of Representatives voted on 22/7/2013 in the ninth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year  under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, on preventing MP Mahmoud El Hassan from participating in the works of the Council of Representatives for violating the bylaws until presenting a written apology.



Voting on new laws


The Council of Representatives voted on 22/7/2013 in the ninth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year  under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, on the draft law to amend the law of seizing of the smuggled and prohibited trading money in the local markets No.(18) of 2008, the draft law of regulating the lease of agricultural lands and giving ownership of the right to dispose to the agricultural and veterinary graduates and the draft law of the second amendment to the law of customs tariff No.(22) of 2010. 



Voting on the law of Ministry of Foreign Affairs


The Council of Representatives held on 18/7/2013 the eighth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives. In this session the Council voted on the draft law of Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted by the committee of foreign relations. 



Voting on the proposed law of the first amendment to the law of service and retirement for the interior security forces


The Council of Representatives voted in the seventh session held on 16/7/2013, on the proposed law of the first amendment to the law of service and retirement for the interior security forces No.(18) of 2011, submitted by the committees of security and defense, legal for the purpose of equality of the civil employees in the interior security forces with their peers in the Ministry of Defense.



Voting on two draft laws


The Council of Representatives voted in the sixth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, on the draft law to unlink Dar Al-Nahrain for Printing from the Central Bank of Iraq and append it to the Ministry of Education submitted by the committees of education and finance and the draft law of sale and rent of State funds submitted by the committees of finance, legal, endowments and religious affairs, economy and investment. 


Voting on two draft laws


The Council of Representatives held on 4/7/2013 the fifth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives. The session included voting on two laws and hosted each of Mr. Hoshyar Zebari, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Hadi Al-Amiri, Minister of Transportation, in a general invitation to discuss the draft law on ratification of the convention on organization of the maritime navigation in Khowr Abd Allah between the government of republic of Iraq and the government of state of Kuwait and exiting from Chapter VII. 



Voting on one law


The Council of Representatives voted in the fourth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives held on 2/7/2013, on the draft law of the third amendment to the law of Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control No.(54) of 1979 as amended, submitted by the committees of finance, legal, economy and investment.



Qusay Al-Suhail withdraws his resignation


Dr. Qusay Al-Suhail announced on Monday 1/7/2013, in a statement by him withdrawing his resignation that he presented to the Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, in response to the call of the parliamentary blocs and the religious authority Sayyed Kadhim Al-Haeri and to maintain the public interest on his own interest. According to the statement. 



Resignation of Dr. Qusay Al-Suhail


The First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Dr. Qusay Al-Suhai, presented on Monday 24/6/2013 his resignation from his position to Mr. Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, pointing out that the resignation came for personal reasons. 



Constitutional oath for a substitute MP


Mr. Hussam Ali Hussein was sworn in as a substitute MP for the resigned MP Ali Mohsen Assi who took over as the governor of Baghdad in the third session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi which was held on 23/6/2013. The session also included voting on the proposed law of the second amendment to the law of provinces non-organized in a region No.(21) of 2008, submitted by the committees of legal and regions.



Resignation of MP Ali Al-Tamimi


The Council of Representatives held on 20/6/2013 the second session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives. During this session the Council voted on accepting the resignation of MP Ali Al-Tamimi from the membership of the Council of Representatives, in addition to reading three draft laws first reading. 



Starting the fourth legislative year


The Council of Representatives started holding its sessions again marking the beginning of the first legislative term for the fourth year on Tuesday 18/6/2013, where it held the first session of this term. During this session the Council voted on three laws in addition to reading a number of laws (first and second reading). The session also witnessed returning the MPs of State of Law after they were boycotting the sessions of the Council.



Returning State of Law to the sessions


State of Law ended its boycott for the sessions of the Council of Representatives on Tuesday 18/6/2013, where the MPs of the State of Law attended today the first session of the first legislative term for the fourth year. After the State of Law has agreed with the Presidency of the Council to include the law of criminalization of the disbanded Baath party in the agenda of the sessions in order to vote on it.




Turning the exceptional session into consultative


Mr. Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, decided on Tuesday 21/5/2013, to turn the exceptional session that he called for it into consultative due to the lack of quorum and boycott of some parliamentary blocs for the session. 



Conclusion of the third legislative year


The Iraqi Council of Representatives ended its second legislative term in conclusion of the 23rd session held on 13/5/2013,and thus it concluded the third legislative year. The sessions of first legislative term for the fourth year and the last in this course will be opened on 18/6/2013.


Amending the law of re-employ the politically quit


The Council of Representatives voted in its 23rd session of the second legislative term for the third year held on 13/5/2013, under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, on the draft law of second amendment to the law of re-employ the politically quit No.(24) of 2005 as amended, submitted by the committees of martyrs, victims and political prisoners, and legal. 



New session and the continuation of boycott of State of Law


The Council of Representatives held on 11/5/2013 the 22nd session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives. The session included the second reading of two draft laws only with the continuation of boycott of State of Law.



Twenty-first session


The Council of Representatives held on 9/5/2013 the 21st session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Qusay Al-Suhail, first deputy Speaker of the Council of Representatives. The session included first reading of two draft laws only.



Return of Kurdistan Alliance and boycott of State of law


The twentieth session of the second legislative term for the third year witnessed the return of Kurdistan Alliance after boycotting the sessions of the Iraqi Council of Representatives since the approval of the federal budget 2013, on the other hand the session witnessed the boycott of the State of Law in protest for non-inclusion of the law of Ba'ath Party criminalization. 



Voting on new laws


The Iraqi Council of Representatives voted on two new laws in its twentieth session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, held on Tuesday 7/5/2013.



Lack of quorum again


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives postponed the session which was scheduled to be held on Monday 29/4/2013, until Tuesday due to the lack of quorum. It's worth mention that the boycott by some of the parliamentary blocs for the sessions of the Council prevents the quorum.



Turning the exceptional session to consultative


It was supposed to be held an exceptional session on Sunday 28/4/2013, called for by the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, Osama Al-Nujaifi, but the lack of quorum prevented it. Then it was decided to be a consultative session to discuss the events of Hawijah.



Calling for an exceptional session


The Presidency of the Council of Representatives decided to hold an exceptional session on Sunday 28/4/2013, to discuss the events of Hawijah in the presence of the ministrial committee formed for this purpose and the two parliamentary committees of security and defense, and human rights. 



Postponing the session


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the twentieth session of the second legislative term for the third year which was scheduled to be held on Tuesday 23/4/2013 until Thursday due to the lack of quorum.



Voting on the law on ratification of the Arab convention of anti-information technology crimes


The Iraqi Council of Representatives voted on 8/4/2013, in its nineteenth session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Mr. Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, on the draft law on ratification of the Arab convention of anti-information technology crimes submitted by the committees of foreign relations, integrity, legal, services and construction, finance, culture and media. 



Holding the eighteenth session


The Iraqi Council of Representatives held on Saturday 6/4/2013 the eighteenth session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives. The session included the first and second reading of seven draft laws.



Second reading for four draft laws


The Iraqi Council of Representatives held on Wednesday 3/4/2013 the seventeenth session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives. The session included the second reading for four draft laws and then the session was adjourned until Saturday 6/4/2013. 



Voting on one law


The Council of Representatives voted in its sixteenth session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, on the draft law of registration, adoption and protection of the agricultural varieties submitted by the committee of agriculture, water and marshes.



Voting on four draft laws


The Council of Representatives voted on 31/3/2013, in its fifteenth session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Mr. Osama Al-Nujaifi, Speaker of the Council of Representatives, on four draft laws as well as voting not to approve the increase in the proportion of deduction from the absent MPs.



Lack of quorum postpones the session


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the session which was scheduled to be held on Thursday 28/3/2013 until Sunday due to the lack of quorum.



Postponing the session


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the session which was scheduled to be held on Tuesday 26/3/2013 until Thursday due to the lack of quorum.



Postponing the session due to Nowruz holidays


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the session which was scheduled to be held on Tuesday 19/3/2013 until the next Tuesday 26/3/2013 on the occasion of Nowruz holidays.



Voting on the Budget


The Council of Representatives voted on Thursday 7/3/2013 in the fourteenth session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, on the federal budget for 2013.



Voting on 12 items of the budget


The Iraqi Council of Representatives voted in its thirteenth session held on Wednesday 6/3/2013, on 12 items of the draft law of the federal budget for 2013. while voting on the rest of the budget items was postponed until Thursday's session. 



Another postponement for the budget


The Presidency of the Council of Representatives postponed its session which was scheduled to be held on Tuesday 5/3/2013 until wednesday due to the lack of quorum. It was supposed to dedicate this session to vote on the federal budget for 2013. 



Postponing the session


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the session which was scheduled to be held on Monday 4/3/2013 until tomorrow due to the lack of quorum. It's noteworthy that this session was dedicated to vote on the federal budget for 2013. 



Postponing the session until further notice


The Presidency of Iraqi Parliament decided to postpone the session which was scheduled to be held on Monday 25/2/2013 until further notice because of the continuation of disagreements on the federal budget items 2013 that led to non-presence of MPs to the parliament hall and thereby a lack of quorum. 



Refusing to return the budget to the Government


The Council of Representatives held on Saturday 23/2/2013, its regular twelfth session under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi. The Council voted to refuse to return the financial budget to the Government in order to amend it. It was supposed to be voting on the budget in this session, but the incompletion of compatibility of the blocs on budget items has postponed that to the next session hoping to complete the compatibility of the blocs on the contention points.




Postponing the session of budget approval


The Presidency of Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the session which was scheduled to be held on Thursday 21/2/2013 until Saturday due to the lack of quorum. It was supposed to be voting on the federal budget for 2013 during this session, but the incompatibility of blocs on budget items has prevented its approval more than once. 


Postponing the session due to the lack of quorum


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the session which was scheduled to be held on Tuesday 19/2/2013 until Thursday due to the lack of quorum. It was supposed to be voting on the federal budget 2013 in this session. 



Postponing the deferred session


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the twelfth session until further notice and till the agreement of parliamentary blocs on the amendments of the federal budget for 2013. Noting that this session was scheduled to be held on Monday 11/2/2013, but the lack of quorum prevented it. It is worth mentioning that this is the second postponement for this session which was supposed to be voting on the federal budget for 2013. 



Postponing the session due to the lack of quorum


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the twelfth session which was scheduled to be held on Saturday 9/2/2013 until next Monday due to the lack of quorum. 



The first amendment on the law of night guards


The Iraqi Council of Representatives voted in the eleventh session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, on the draft law of the first amendment on the law of night guards No.(8) of 2000, submitted by the committee of security and defense.



Failing in withdrawing the confidence from the Minister of Youth and Sports


The Council of Representatives hasn't agreed to withdraw the  confidence from the Minister of Youth and Sport, after 102 MPs voted for the withdrawal of confidence out of 255 MPs. This was in the tenth session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, held on 5/2/2013.



The oath for a substitute MP


Mr. Thamer Ibrahim Zahir took the constitutional oath as a substitute MP for the martyr MP Eifan Saadoun Eifan in the ninth session of the Council of Representatives of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, held on 28/1/2013.



Voting on the law to determine the tenure of the three Presidencies


The Council of Representatives voted in the eighth session held on Saturday 26/1/2013 on the proposed law to determine the tenure of the President of the Republic, Speaker of the Council of Representatives and the Prime Minister.



Voting on the proposed law of monthly grants for athletes


The Council of Representatives held on 22/1/2013 the seventh session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives. The session included voting on the proposed law of monthly grants for champions athletes and pioneers submitted by the committees of youth and sport, legal and finance. The Council also postponed voting on the draft law of Federal Court submitted by the legal committee to the next session.



Questioning Minister of Youth and Sport in absentia


The Council of Representatives started the process of questioning Mr. Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, Minister of Youth and Sport, in absentia, after voting by the Council on the process of questioning in absentia. This was at the sixth session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, held on 14/1/2013, and the applicant MP Bahaa Al-Araji began asking questions and inquiries.



Postponing the Session


The Presidency of the Council of Representatives decided to postpone the sixth session which was scheduled to be held on Saturday 12/1/2013 to Monday.



Preventing MP Hanan Al-Fatlawi from participating in the Council of Representatives


The Presidency of the Council of Representatives decided to prevent MP Hanan Al-Fatlawi from participating in the activities of the Council of Representatives until providing an official apology to the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, because of non-commitment to the Rules of Procedure. This decision was stated in the fifth session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, on 10/1/2013.



Arms Deal


The Council of Representatives voted in its fourth session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives, to refer the report  of the investigative committee regarding the deal of russian arms to Integrity Commission after reading it. Also been at this session the first reading of the proposed law to determine the  tenure of the President of the Republic, Speaker of the Council of Representatives and the Prime-Minister submitted by the legal committee.




Turning the exceptional session to consultative session


The Council of Representatives held on Sunday 6/1/2013 a consultative session under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives. It was supposed to be an exceptional session as called for by the Speaker of the Council, but the lack of quorum prevented it. During the session the recent events going on in Iraq and the current political situation were discussed.



Postponing the Session


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to postpone the third session of the second legislative term for the third year which was scheduled to be held on Wednesday 26/12/2012 to 8/1/2013.


Voting on new laws


The Council of Representatives voted on Monday 24/12/2012, on seven laws in its second session of the second legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Chairman of the Council of Representatives.



Postponing the Session


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives postponed the regular session which was scheduled to be held on Sunday 23/12/2012 to Monday because of lack of quorum, mention that this is the second time in a row where the Council of Representatives postponed holding its session.



Postponing the Session


The Iraqi Council of Representatives postponed its regular session which was scheduled to be held on Monday 17/12/2012, to next Sunday due to lack of quorum.



Voting on the law of Supreme Judicial Council


The Council of Representatives opened the second legislative term of the third legislative year by voting on the law of Supreme Judicial Council in its first session of the this term held on Saturday 15/12/2012, under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the chairman of the Council of Representatives. 




Voting on the proposed law of the fourth amendment for the elections law of the councils of provinces and districts and sub-districts


The Council of Representatives voted in the fortieth session of the first legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the chairman of the Council of Representatives, on eight laws including the proposed law of the fourth amendment for the elections law of the councils of provinces and districts and sub-districts No.(36) for the year 2008 as amended, submitted by the legal committee.


Discussion of the final accounts


The Council of Representatives discussed in its thirty-ninth  session of the first legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the chairman of the Council of Representatives, the issue of the final accounts of the general budget in presence of Mr. Rafie Al-Issawi, Minister of Finance, and Mr. Abdel Basset Turki, Head of the Board of Supreme Audit.


Voting on the estimated budget of the High Commission for Human Rights


The Council of Representatives voted in its thirty-eighth session of the first legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the chairman of the Council of Representatives, on the draft law of first amendment for the law of the salaries of state employees and general sector No.(22) for the year 2008, submitted by the finance committee, in addition to voting on the estimated budget of the High Commission for Human Rights for the financial year 2013, which is (26.855.544.640) dinars.




Reading of nine laws


The Council of Representatives completed in its thirty-seventh session held on 3/12/2012 under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the chairman of the Council of Representatives, the first and second reading of nine proposed and draft laws, as well as the Council resumed the discussion of the draft law of the federal budget for the Republic of Iraq for the financial year 2013.



Voting on two laws


The Council of Representatives voted in the thirty-fifth session of the first legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, chairman of the Council of Representatives, held on 1/12/2012, on the draft law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the convention on suppression of unlawful actions against the safety of maritime navigation and the draft law of first amendment for the order of disbanded CPA.


Postponing the session of Parliament


The chairman of the Council of Representatives Mr. Osama Al-Nujaifi decided to adjourn the thirty-fifth session of the Council of Representatives held on Thursday 29/11/2012 to Saturday, due to lack of control over the  session shortly after the session held because of a verbal altercation among a number of MPs.


Lack of quorum postpones the session


The session of the Iraqi Council of Representatives which was supposed to be held on Wednesday 21/11/2012 was postponed to next Wednesday 28/11/2012, because of the lack of quorum.


The second reading of the draft law of the general budget 2013

 The Council started in the thirty-third session, held on 21/11/2012 the second reading of the federal budget draft law of the Republic of Iraq for the financial year 2013, submitted by the committees of finance and economy and investment, in addition to voting on two laws.



Discussion of the ration card


The Council of Representatives hosted in its thirty-second session of the first legislative term for the third year each of Rafie Al-Issawi, the Minister of Finance, and Khairallah Babiker, the Minister of Trade, in a general invitation to discuss the ration card, in addition to voting on two laws and the first reading of the federal budget of the Republic of Iraq for the financial year 2013.


Voting on two laws


The Council of Representatives voted in its thirty-first session of the first legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the chairman of the Council of Representatives, on the draft law on ratification of the Arab convention on anti-corruption and the draft law of Al-Nahrain Islamic Bank.


The first session after the Eid


The Council of Representatives resumed holding its sessions after the holiday of Eid Al-Adha , where it held on Tuesday 6/11/2012 its thirtieth session under chairmanship of Qusay Al-Suhail, during the session the policy of the Central Bank was discussed, in addition to the first and second reading of a number of laws.


The Council of Representatives holiday


The Iraqi Council of Representatives adjourned its twenty-ninth session held on 15/10/2012 to the sixth of the next month. This holiday also includes the days of Eid Al-Adha which falls on 26/10/2012.


Voting on six draft laws


The Council of Representatives voted in its twenty-ninth session held on 15/10/2012 on six draft laws, in addition to voting on the recommendations of the legal committee regarding providing the protection for judges.


Canceling the article (40) of the federal budget for the year 2012


The Council of Representatives voted in the twenty-eighth session held on 13/10/2012 on the proposed law to cancel the article (40) of the federal budget for the year 2012, submitted by the committees of legal and finance, as well as hosting Mr. Majeed Mohammed, the minister of health.


Voting on ten draft laws


The Council of Representatives voted in its twenty-seventh session of the first legislative term for the third year held on 9/10/2012 on ten draft laws as well as postponing voting on the proposed law of general amnesty to the next session.


Postponing the session due to the lack of quorum


   The Council Presidency postponed the twenty-seventh session on Monday 1/10/2012 to the tenth of this month because of the lack of quorum for attendees from the members of the Council of Representatives and it was supposed to be voting today on the law of infrastructure which has been postponed more than once. 


Postponing voting on the law of infrastructure for the second time


   The council of representatives postponed voting on the law of infrastructure in its twenty-fourth session held on 25/9/2012 to the next session. The council also voted in this session on the draft law of agricultural quarantine and the draft law of electronic signature and electronic transactions.


Voting on the members of the Electoral Commission and postponing voting on the law of infrastructure


 The council of representatives voted in its twenty-third session, held on 17/9/2012 on choosing 8 out of 9 of members of the Independent Higher Electoral Commission. They are as follow : 

Safaa Ibrahim Jassim Al-Musawi
Sorour Abdul Hantoush Al-Hiti
Serbst Mustafa Ibrahim
Mohsen Jabbari Hassan
Qatya Mukhlif Qatya Al-Zobaie
Mekdad Hassan Salih Al-Sharifi
Sirwan Ahmed Rasheed
Wael Mohammed Abd Ali Al-Waili

The council also postponed voting on the draft law of infrastructure reconstruction and service sectors submitted by the committees of economy and investment, legal, financial, service and construction to the next Tuesday's session 


Hosting of Mr. Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki


   The council of representatives hosted in its twenty-second session of the first legislative term for the third year, held on 15/9/2012 Mr. prime minister Nouri Al-Maliki and ministers of finance and planning in addition to Mr. Fadhil Jawad, the legal advisor at the Cabinet, and Mr. Thamer Ghadban , Counsel at the Cabinet, and Mr. Sami Al-Araji, the head of the investment commission to discuss the infrastructure law and its importance.


Cancelling the proposed law to amend the law of the Independent Higher Electoral Commission


    The council of representatives voted in its twenty-first session on 13/9/2012 under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the chairman of the council of representatives, on canceling the proposed law to amend the law of the Independent Higher Electoral Commission No.(11) for the year 2007 as amended, submitted by the legal committee, in addition to voting on two draft laws.


Vote, in Principle


House of Representatives voted in principle to the draft law on allocation of $ (300,000,000) three hundred million dollars to push it to the KAC for the payment of claims filed by them on the Iraqi Airways and the Iraqi government and submitted by the committees and financial services, construction, legal, at its fourteenth session on 4/8/2012 under the chairmanship of Mr. Osama Najafi, the meeting also included as the first reading and the second of four bills


Discuss the Party Law


Session was held on the thirteenth of the first legislative term for the third year of the Council of Representatives, headed by Mr. Osama al Speaker, at this meeting was to vote on a draft law amending the Companies Law No. (22) for the year 1997 and submitted by the committees of the economy, investment, finance and the Council ended discussion of the law of parties The political report of the legal Committee


Vote on the Four Laws


House of Representatives voted in its twelfth legislative term of the first for the third year the four laws

1 - a proposed second amendment to the law of election of provincial councils and districts and areas No. (36) for the year 2008. Submitted by the committees of provinces and regions and legal
2 - Draft Law of the Fourth Amendment to the Law Council of cancer in Iraq No. (63) for the year 1985, submitted by the Health Committee
3 - the draft Law Office of Endowments Christians, Yazidis and Sabean Mandaeans, submitted by the Committee of Religious Endowments
4 - Draft law grant students of universities and institutes and the Iraqi government submitted by the Commission on Higher Education and Scientific Research



Baghdad to host the Secretary and the Governor of Baghdad


On 30/12/2011 At the tenth meeting of the House of Representatives of the first legislative term for the second year under the chairmanship of Mr. Osama Najafi House Speaker Messrs. Council hosted the Mayor of Baghdad Sabir al-Issawi and the Governor of Baghdad Salah Abdul Razzaq on water scarcity, as was voted at this meeting to approve a resolution on investment in the power to call include the formation of private investment in the field of electric power to deal with companies that work in coordination with the Ministry of Electricity and stakeholders

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