


Do you think that the oversight role of the current members of the House of Representatives is the best course of study?


Total Vote 146


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Date : 2024-09-16
Duration : 02:50Hour
Type : Agenda Session
Attendees : 0 Deputies
Excused Absence : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excuse : 0 Deputy
Session Items
First: Voting on the draft law on the return of real estate to its owners covered by some decisions of the Revolutionary Command Council (dissolved). (Legal Committee), (5 Articles). Not Executor
Second: Voting on the draft law on the lease of agricultural lands. (Committee on Agriculture, Water and Marshes), (15 Articles). Executor
Third: Ratification and discussion (second reading) of the proposed law amending the Personal Status Law No. (188) of 1959, Articles 2 and 10. (Legal Committee, Women, Family and Childhood Committee). Executor
Fourth: Ratification and discussion (second reading) of the draft law amending the second amendment to the General Amnesty Law No. (27) of 2016. (Legal Committee, Security and Defense Committee, Human Rights Committee). Executor
Fifth: Completion of the first reading of the draft law on the protection of property. (Culture, Tourism, Antiquities and Information Committee, Legal Committee, Strategic Planning and Federal Service Committee, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee), (167 articles). Not Executor
Sixth: Completion of the first reading of the draft Civil Aviation Law. Transport and Communications Committee (208 Articles). Not Executor
Session Details

 On (16/9/2024), the House of Representatives held its tenth session  of the second legislative term of the third legislative year of the fifth electoral cycle under the chairmanship of the First vice-speaker Mr. Mohsen Al-Mandalawi in the presence of (180) Representatives, and the session included:


-Postponing the vote on the draft law on the return of real estate to its owners covered by some decisions of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council until the political blocs reach a consensus formula.

-Calling on Mr. Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, Acting Speaker of the House, to participate in the meetings to be held this week to reach an acceptable version of the draft law and vote on it.

-Voting on the draft law on the lease of agricultural land submitted by the Committee on Agriculture, Water and Marshes.

-Second reading of the proposed law amending the Personal Status Act No. 188 of 1959, submitted by the Legal Committees and Women, Family and Childhood.

-The interventions of the ladies and gentlemen of the Representatives on the proposal to amend the Personal Status Law focused on demanding the importance of the freedom of citizens to choose the method of marriage according to their doctrines and the need to resort to Islamic law, especially since the amendment of the law is consistent with articles II and 41 of the Iraqi Constitution and reduces the rates of divorce and family disintegration in Iraq, in addition to the fact that the law in force contains articles outside the legitimate system.

Part of the session was chaired by Dr. Shakhwan Abdullah, Vice-Chairman 

-A number of ladies and gentlemen members expressed their objection to the proposal to amend the law and adhere to Law No. 188 of 1959 in force, considering that the proposed law does not rise to the level of law because it does not contain clear and tangible legal articles and does not have knowledge and is devoid of codes of legal provisions and this is a dangerous precedent, refusing to prejudice the custody of the child and inheritance of women and determine the age of marriage, and wait to proceed with the legislation of the law when resolving the case against him in the Federal Court and demand to approach the Judicial Council to inquire about its opinion In proceeding with amending the proposed law or not, limiting the custody of the child to the age of 10 years, calling for fairness of the parents' right to child custody, proposing the unification of Iraqis with one law and not resorting to an amendment that separates them, and demanding consideration of Article 14 of the Constitution, which opposes amending the law as it makes Iraqis unequal before the law.

-The second reading of the draft law on the second amendment to the General Amnesty Law No. (27) of 2016 submitted by the legal, security and defense, and human rights committees.

-The interventions of the ladies and gentlemen of the Representatives focused on demanding the amendment of the draft law to include a larger segment, especially the crimes of litigation between two parties, financial settlements, users who were deceived and their admission to specialized clinics instead of prisons, and the need to redress innocent people who have not been proven to be involved in terrorist crimes or belonging to terrorist groups, while stressing that there is no tolerance for those involved and participants in the acts of terrorist gangs whose hands are stained with Iraqi blood, and calling for the importance of creating the foundations of reconciliation in society without including any accused of terrorism or Corruption and to correct some arbitrary rulings issued in an unstable period of time, while demanding the importance of taking written proposals to the committees concerned with amending the law before voting on it.

After that, it was decided to adjourn the session until tomorrow, Tuesday.